Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fact or Faked

Hey peoples! I decided to do a fact or faked thing. I have been hearing lot's of rumors and discovered the truth about them.
Did Justin Beiber ask Selena Gomez to marry him?- Faked. They went on vacation to Mexico because one of Selly's friends were getting married. People saw her wearing a diamond ring, but JB's parents said he waaaaay to young.

Are the Jonas Brothers making music again?- Fact. They are going to make music again. They either already did or are going to release a new album soon.

Are Demi Lavoto and Kelly Clarkson recording a duet?- Fact. They were singing together at the Jingle Ball. (No clue what that is, I know that my "friend" went to it though so it is real)

Hope you enjoyed, I will post more soon! :D Bye!