Tuesday, December 17, 2013

10 Facts I Know About You

1. You're reading this right now

2. You're realizing this is a stupid fact

4. You didn't notice I skipped 3

5. You just checked to see if I really did skip 3

6. You're smiling

7. You're still reading this even though it's stupid

9. You didn't notice I skipped 8

10. You just checked to see if I did skip 8 and you're smiling because you fell for it again.

11. You're enjoying this.

12. You didn't realize there's only supposed to be 10 facts.

LOL! How many of them are true??

1 comment:

  1. All true! ;) Except for noticing that you skipped number. Oblivious me, I didn't notice until you said something. ;P Fun!
