Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Hey peeps! So I was reading this book and thought "Wow I have read a lot of books!" so I thought of some really good books I have read and wanted to share them with you so you can read them.
Here they are,
Meet Kirsten- an American Girl Doll book not sure if you have heard of it
A Christmas Carol- I am not finished with this one yet but so far it is really good
Harry Potter- I would say to read them all even though I haven't yet
Junie B. Jones- they are more of younger kids books but I still like them
Rainbow Magic Fairy- Again more for younger kids but still good books
Ramona- These are good books to but yet again more for younger kids
Laurel The Wood Fairy- A book that is sort of for younger kids but is also for olderish peeps
Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie- A story about a boy whos brother gets cancer
Well I think that's enough for now.


  1. I LOVE Harry Potter and that "Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie" is good! :D
    If you're looking for books to read, check out the "Books I Love" on my blog! :D
